How It Works

  • Create an account

    To start and manage a subscription, please create an account here first.

    If you already have an account, you can log in here.

  • How to Subscribe

    1. Select the Subscribe and Save option when adding a product to your cart.
    2. Pick how often you would like your products delivered to you—every 1,2 or 3 months.
    3. Check out and save 5% by subscribing!
  • Manage Your Subscription

    Once you've subscribed, log in here to change or cancel through your account.


How do I start a subscription?

You can create a subscription by shopping directly on the product page and selecting "Subscribe and Save" before adding to cart. Choose your subscription frequency and continue with check out. Placing a subscription order doesn't automatically open a Hygiene Hero store account. To view your account status or manage your subscription, you need to open an account here.

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time by visiting the "Subscriptions" section within your account. You must be logged in to manage your subscription. Cancellations will take effect with your next subscription order. You will receive an email confirming your cancellation. Please note that each subscription must be cancelled or modified if multiple subscriptions are active. Change or cancellation requests must be made two days prior to the next shipment. For example, if your next subscription shipment is processed on 9/30, you will receive the first email reminder on 9/20, then the second email reminder on 9/26. To make changes or cancel the 9/30 order, you must submit your request by the end of day on 9/28.

Can I change how often my subscription is delivered?

You can change your delivery frequency, next order date, or quantity by visiting "Subscriptions" within your account. You must be logged in to manage your subscriptions. Please note that if multiple subscriptions are active, each one must be modified. Please allow up to 24 hours for modifications to be processed.

Can I subscribe to any product?

Subscription availability can be found directly on the product page. Please note not every product is available for subscriptions.

When do I get notified for my upcoming subscription shipment?

You will get an email reminder of your upcoming subscription order 10 days before the automatic order is generated. A final reminder is sent out 4 days prior to the order being generated. Change or cancellation requests must be made two days prior to the next shipment. For example, if your next subscription shipment is processed on 9/30, you will receive the first email reminder on 9/20, then the second email reminder on 9/26. To make changes or cancel the 9/30 order, you must submit your request by the end of day on 9/28.

Do I earn Hero Reward Points for my subscription orders?

Yes, you can earn Hero Rewards Points with your subscription orders. From time to time, we offer loyalty program promotions by giving bonus points for subscription orders as extra rewards for our loyal customers.

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